Nicole Jastrow Meyer obtained her medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine in Geneva in 1999 and has been a specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology since 2005. She completed a fellowship in maternal-fetal medicine at the Hôpital Sainte Justine, Montreal, from 2007 to 2009. She obtained her specialist title in maternal-fetal medicine in 2017.
She has been a Privat Docent at the Faculty of Medicine in Geneva since 2014.
In addition to her private practice, she is currently an associate doctor at the HUG Maternity Hospital at 10% in the Fetal Medicine and Ultrasound Unit, Obstetrics Department.

Antonella VALITON-CRUSI, M. D.
Médecin cheffe de la maternité de l’hôpital de la Tour
Spécialiste FMH en gynécologie et Obstétrique
« Césariennes douces », « césariennes participatives »
Spécialiste FMH en gynécologie et Obstétrique
« Césariennes douces », « césariennes participatives »